Kazuo Ishii
2011-07-09 13:10:18 UTC
I am Kazuo Ishii.
<toc-add-entry name="ircsessions">New IRC Training Sessions</toc-add-entry>
The Debian Project started a <a href="$(HOME)/News/2011/20110617">new round of
IRC Training Sessions</a>, which will be held on IRC by experienced
community members.
This time, there will be two different series: non-technical, called
<q>Ask the ...</q> and
more technical <q>One day with ...</q>.
Additional information and scheduled sessions
are always available on the related <a
The first session, held on June 22th and featuring Stefano Zacchiroli,
current Debian Project Leader, was followed by more than 70 attendees who
asked Stefano various interesting questions; it is also available the <a
of the session</a>.
In the next one, scheduled for July 1st at 19:00 UTC, Gregor Herrmann
will tell us about the day-to-day work of the Debian Perl Team and how
join it. Don't miss it!
<toc-add-entry name="ircsessions">$B?75,(B IRC $B%H%l!<%K%s%0%;%C%7%g%s(B</toc-add-entry>
Debian $B%W%m%8%'%/%H$O!"7P83K-IY$J%3%_%e%K%F%#%a%s%P!<$K$h$j3+:E$5$l$k(B <a
$B%H%l!<%K%s%0%;%C%7%g%s$N?7$7$$%i%&%s%I(B</a>$B$r3+;O$7$^$7$?!#:#2s$O!"(B2$B$D$N0[$J$k%7%j!<%:$,$"$j$^$9!#$D$^$j!"(B<q>Ask the
...</q> $B$H8F$P$l$kHs5;=QE*$J$b$N$H!"(B<q>One day with ...</q>
$B$H8F$P$l$k$h$j5;=QE*$J$b$N$G$9!#DI2C>pJs$*$h$S7W2h$5$l$?%;%C%7%g%s$O!"4XO"$9$k(B <a
6$B7n(B22$BF|$K3+:E$5$l8=:_$N(BDebian $B%W%m%8%'%/%H%j!<%@!<(B Stefano Zacchiroli
w$B$r<gIP$H$7$?:G=i$N%;%C%7%g%s$K$O!"(BStefano $B$K$$$m$$$m6=L#?<$$<ALd$r$7$?(B70$B?M0J>e$N;22C<T$,$"$j$^$7$?!#$=$l$O!"(B<a
(UTC) $B$KM=Dj$5$l$F$$$k<!$N%;%C%7%g%s$G$O!"(B19:00 UTC$B$N(B7$B7n(B1$BF|$NM=Dj$G!"(BDebian Perl
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kazuo Ishii, Ph.D.,
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
I am Kazuo Ishii.
09. New Debian Contributors
<!--<toc-add-entry name="ircsessions">New IRC Training Sessions</toc-add-entry>
The Debian Project started a <a href="$(HOME)/News/2011/20110617">new round of
IRC Training Sessions</a>, which will be held on IRC by experienced
community members.
This time, there will be two different series: non-technical, called
<q>Ask the ...</q> and
more technical <q>One day with ...</q>.
Additional information and scheduled sessions
are always available on the related <a
The first session, held on June 22th and featuring Stefano Zacchiroli,
current Debian Project Leader, was followed by more than 70 attendees who
asked Stefano various interesting questions; it is also available the <a
of the session</a>.
In the next one, scheduled for July 1st at 19:00 UTC, Gregor Herrmann
will tell us about the day-to-day work of the Debian Perl Team and how
join it. Don't miss it!
<toc-add-entry name="ircsessions">$B?75,(B IRC $B%H%l!<%K%s%0%;%C%7%g%s(B</toc-add-entry>
Debian $B%W%m%8%'%/%H$O!"7P83K-IY$J%3%_%e%K%F%#%a%s%P!<$K$h$j3+:E$5$l$k(B <a
$B%H%l!<%K%s%0%;%C%7%g%s$N?7$7$$%i%&%s%I(B</a>$B$r3+;O$7$^$7$?!#:#2s$O!"(B2$B$D$N0[$J$k%7%j!<%:$,$"$j$^$9!#$D$^$j!"(B<q>Ask the
...</q> $B$H8F$P$l$kHs5;=QE*$J$b$N$H!"(B<q>One day with ...</q>
$B$H8F$P$l$k$h$j5;=QE*$J$b$N$G$9!#DI2C>pJs$*$h$S7W2h$5$l$?%;%C%7%g%s$O!"4XO"$9$k(B <a
6$B7n(B22$BF|$K3+:E$5$l8=:_$N(BDebian $B%W%m%8%'%/%H%j!<%@!<(B Stefano Zacchiroli
w$B$r<gIP$H$7$?:G=i$N%;%C%7%g%s$K$O!"(BStefano $B$K$$$m$$$m6=L#?<$$<ALd$r$7$?(B70$B?M0J>e$N;22C<T$,$"$j$^$7$?!#$=$l$O!"(B<a
(UTC) $B$KM=Dj$5$l$F$$$k<!$N%;%C%7%g%s$G$O!"(B19:00 UTC$B$N(B7$B7n(B1$BF|$NM=Dj$G!"(BDebian Perl
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kazuo Ishii, Ph.D.,
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology