AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke
2011-01-15 11:37:54 UTC
<p>Debian Project Leader Stefano Zacchiroli sent new <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/***@upsilon.cc">bits from
the DPL</a>. Besides mentioning various talks and interviews he gave, he
announced a new contact point for participants at Debian events:
<a href="mailto:***@debian.org">***@debian.org</a>. An
anti-harassment policy for Debian sprints (based upon a draft for such a
policy for <a
href="http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/StandardsOfRespect">DebConf</a>) is about
to follow soon.</p>
<p>He also mentioned that he had approved two sprints, one for the Web Team
(which has already been taken place) and one for the Security Team (which
is forthcoming), as well as several cross-distribution collaboration
activities, such as <a
a cross-distro face to face meeting to discuss the topic of integrating
third party applications</a> on top of FOSS distributions, à la
Software Center/App Store.</p>
<h2>Debian $B%W%m%8%'%/%H%j!<%@!<$+$i$N$3$^$4$^$H$7$?$*CN$i$;(B</h2>
<p>Debian $B%W%m%8%'%/%H%j!<%@!<(B Stefano Zacchiroli $B$O?7$7$$(B
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/***@upsilon.cc">bits
from the DPL</a> $B$rAw?.$7$^$7$?!#$3$NCf$G!"$$$/$D$+$NOCBj$H%$%s%?%S%e!<(B
$B$K2C$($F!"H`$O(BDebian $B%$%Y%s%H$N;22C<T8~$1$K?7$7$$O"MmAk8}(B:
<a href="mailto:***@debian.org">***@debian.org</a>
$B$r%"%J%&%s%9$7$^$7$?!#(BDebian $B3+H/<T8~$1$NBP%O%i%9%a%s%H%]%j%7!<(B
(<a href="http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/StandardsOfRespect">DebConf</a>
<p>$B$^$?!"H`$O(B 2 $B?M$N3+H/<T$r%A!<%`$K7^$(F~$l$?;v$rEA$($^$7$?!#(B
1 $B?M$O(B Web $B%A!<%`(B($BCeG$:Q$_(B)$B!"$b$&(B 1 $B?M$O(B $B%;%-%e%j%F%#%A!<%`(B($B6aF|Cf$KCeG$(B)$B$G$9!#(B
$B$3$l$O!"Nc$($P!"(BSoftware Center/App Store $BJ}<0$H$$$&(B FOSS $BG[I[<jK!$rMQ$$$?(B
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/***@upsilon.cc">
* Bits from the Debian Project Leader
* Further documentation on Emdebian: components and filters
<h2>Bits from the Debian Project Leader</h2>* Further documentation on Emdebian: components and filters
<p>Debian Project Leader Stefano Zacchiroli sent new <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/***@upsilon.cc">bits from
the DPL</a>. Besides mentioning various talks and interviews he gave, he
announced a new contact point for participants at Debian events:
<a href="mailto:***@debian.org">***@debian.org</a>. An
anti-harassment policy for Debian sprints (based upon a draft for such a
policy for <a
href="http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/StandardsOfRespect">DebConf</a>) is about
to follow soon.</p>
<p>He also mentioned that he had approved two sprints, one for the Web Team
(which has already been taken place) and one for the Security Team (which
is forthcoming), as well as several cross-distribution collaboration
activities, such as <a
a cross-distro face to face meeting to discuss the topic of integrating
third party applications</a> on top of FOSS distributions, à la
Software Center/App Store.</p>
<h2>Debian $B%W%m%8%'%/%H%j!<%@!<$+$i$N$3$^$4$^$H$7$?$*CN$i$;(B</h2>
<p>Debian $B%W%m%8%'%/%H%j!<%@!<(B Stefano Zacchiroli $B$O?7$7$$(B
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/***@upsilon.cc">bits
from the DPL</a> $B$rAw?.$7$^$7$?!#$3$NCf$G!"$$$/$D$+$NOCBj$H%$%s%?%S%e!<(B
$B$K2C$($F!"H`$O(BDebian $B%$%Y%s%H$N;22C<T8~$1$K?7$7$$O"MmAk8}(B:
<a href="mailto:***@debian.org">***@debian.org</a>
$B$r%"%J%&%s%9$7$^$7$?!#(BDebian $B3+H/<T8~$1$NBP%O%i%9%a%s%H%]%j%7!<(B
(<a href="http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/StandardsOfRespect">DebConf</a>
<p>$B$^$?!"H`$O(B 2 $B?M$N3+H/<T$r%A!<%`$K7^$(F~$l$?;v$rEA$($^$7$?!#(B
1 $B?M$O(B Web $B%A!<%`(B($BCeG$:Q$_(B)$B!"$b$&(B 1 $B?M$O(B $B%;%-%e%j%F%#%A!<%`(B($B6aF|Cf$KCeG$(B)$B$G$9!#(B
$B$3$l$O!"Nc$($P!"(BSoftware Center/App Store $BJ}<0$H$$$&(B FOSS $BG[I[<jK!$rMQ$$$?(B
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/***@upsilon.cc">
AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <***@yahoo.co.jp>
Get the new Internet Explorer 8 optimized for Yahoo! JAPAN
AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <***@yahoo.co.jp>
Get the new Internet Explorer 8 optimized for Yahoo! JAPAN